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The Records and Information Management Practitioners Alliance (RIMPA Global) ( established in 1969, represents over 2,000 professionals and organizations in the private sector, Commonwealth, Federal, State and Local Governments. RIMPA Global has active Branches and Chapters operating in all states and territories across Australia and New Zealand. RIMPA Global is the longest serving peak body for industry practitioners in the southern hemisphere and actively promotes best practice, sets industry standards and fosters professional development across all business sectors and educational institutions. Through its international partnerships with other peak bodies, RIMPA Global provides its members with access to an accomplished framework of professional associations. 

ARMA International and RIMPA Global are excited to form a global partnership to better serve the information management profession worldwide.

The global partnership will provide many benefits to our collective 7,000 members who will now have the opportunity for joint membership in both organizations; access to reciprocal resources including communities and professional development, education and certifications; and advocacy for the information management and information governance profession.  ARMA International and RIMPA Global will work together to provide a unique perspective on global information issues.

The Records and Information Management Practitioners Alliance – Global (RIMPA Global) is the longest serving peak body for industry practitioners in the southern hemisphere. RIMPA actively promotes best practice, sets industry standards and fosters professional development across all business sectors and educational institutions. Established in 1969, RIM RIMPA Global PA represents over 2,000 professionals and organisations in the private sector, Commonwealth, Federal, State and Local Governments. RIMPA Global has active Branches and Chapters operating in all states and territories across Australia and New Zealand.

Membership in RIMPA Global is open to all individuals, including industry practitioners, professionals from other disciplines, those who share the same values and vision, and other stakeholders. RIMPA Global Membership benefits include:

  • Discounted rates to events, workshops, vocational education and RIMPA Live Convention
  •  Complimentary registration to educational webinars
  • Annual ezine subscription to the RIMPA Quarterly magazine
  • Regular industry specific updates
  • Industry specific updates and job listings
  • Discounted event registrations with aligned partners and external training partners

Investment: $50 Add-On for a RIMPA Global Joint Membership (this option is only available with ARMA Professional Memberships)

Current ARMA Professional Members can add a discounted RIMPA Membership at any time! Log into your ARMA Profile and click Add A Membership.  Questions?  Contact the ARMA Service Team at